The instructions for the BBF is bit confusing. If someone can help me with the following details, I would appreciate it.
1. "Shoot the rifle barrel approx 3 cm under the centre of the point of impact made from the shot fun barrel". Are we to aim the rifle at the POI made by the shotgun, and make adjustments until the POI made by the rifle is 3cm below the POI made by the shotgun? or, are we to aim the rifle at 3 cm below the POI made by the shotgun, then make adjustment until we hit the point that is 3 cm below the POI made by the shotgun?
2. there are Height Ajustment screw, Adjustment screw, and side adjustment screw in the drawing. I canot see the "elevation adjustment screw" which is mentioned in the instruction. what is it? is it the same as "height adjustment screw" or the same as "adjustment screw"?
Thank you again. I am waiting for my BBF 97 (9.3x74R and 12 G) to be delivered.
Regulating the Blaser BBF/BB/95/97
Sponsored by Luxus Arms.
Moderators: Gun Barrel Ecologist, Dom, mchughcb, pagosawingnut
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