K95 second barrel advice

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K95 second barrel advice

Post by Pepepotamo »

Got a K95 with a 6.5CM barrel to use on roe deer, chamois and foxes.

Would like another barrel for big red deer and hogs, and maybe an african safari up to kudu and orix.

Any recommendation?

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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by snookntarpon »

You should be good for red stag and hogs with the 6.5. I have yet to meet a stag that has died faster with a 7mm than a 6.5. Pick a good bullet.

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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by ebrownw2 »

I agree the 6.5 could suffice for the stag and hogs but I'd rather have a little bigger piece of lead for the kudu and oryx. Maybe something like a 30-06.

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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by Gamsjagd »

The problem with the k95 is that recoil gets to be an issue in bigger calibers.

The 9,3x74R, 30 Blaser, 8.5x55, 300 Win, 30-06, 300 Wby, 300 Blaser, 30-06 or if you want a short range guy the 10,3x60R.

In Europe, I have lived in Spain and Germany. I felt like there were more Cazadors shooting esoteric German calibers than Jaegers were. Especially the 6.5x57R. The 30-06 is good, not sure what you are after. You could shoot 180 grain bullets in it and it would be preferrable on Oryx and Kudu.

If you handload 9,3x74R would be a good choice. I just spent 20 minutes looking at Spanish Armerias online and I only found a price RWS ammo in 308. So I don't know what the relative ammunition cost are compared to other cartridges in Spain.

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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by MM »

I had a 6.5 Creedmoor barrel but sold it. For big red stag and hogs I would like something bigger. I have 30-06, 300 Weatherby and 9.3x74R Barrels for my K95. The 30-06 really could do it all but if I feel shots may be long ( Mt. Goat, Ibex etc.) I go with the 300 Weatherby, but if I feel I need extra punch I use the 9.3x74R ( Moose, Brown Bear) I love the 9.3x74R but you are limited in range. I could get by with just the 30-06 and a good scope with a ballistic turret, but I like multiple barrels and the versatility of the K95 system. I know I may catch some heat and I admit the 6.5's have killed a ton of animals but next time I go to Africa I will take my 300 Weatherby and 9.3x74R barrels and maybe something smaller like my hornet or 222 barrel because I like a cartridge with bigger diameter and more punch than the 6.5's if I am traveling far from home.

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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by Gos »

I have three different barrels for my K95. One 6,7x57R for small game up to roe deer and two 7x57R for larger game. I hunt moose. I use 100 gr ttsx in 6,5x57R and 120 gr ttsx in 7x57R. I have one short and one normal barrel in 7x57R. What you need for hunting in Africa, i dont know. But a Scandinavian moose dies of a 120 gr ttsx, so i imagine a red deer wont survive either. I would take a closer look at 7x65R or 30R Blaser.

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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by stokesrj »

I shoot a lot of calibers and have tried several with my K95. As is always the case, it depends upon what you want to achieve. For big animals under 300 yards the 9.3 X 74R is undisputed. Recoil is significant but can be learned in a way to mitigate the issue. If on the other hand you want to shoot big game at long range, the 300 Win Mag is really hard to beat. With a 215 grain Berger LRHT it will absolutely crush any elk or moose out to 800 yards. I see hundreds of results a year and no failures. Again recoil is significant, much the same as the 9.3X74R, but you can learn to control it. The 300 Weatherby is arguably the best, but only marginally so. I would not consider the 30 Blaser due to brass availability but if you are willing to put in a supply of brass at a cost of several $thousand. It would be even better, a rimmed case with simple extraction and near 300 WinMag performance.
Personally, I would choose a .308 Win. It will kill anything that walks the face of the earth with intelligent use.
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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by Pepepotamo »

Thank you sirs!

Further detail:

My 6.5CM is a short barrel (52cm). I shoot max 500yd while hunting. I have not measured speeds yet but given the trajectory it may be around 2570 fps for a 143gn ELD-X. Not sure if enough for a big deer as I'm used to a 270WSM launching almost the same bullet 450 fps faster... Hence my "need" for a bigger cartidge.

A friend lent me a 7mmRM barrel with magnaport but the noise is unbearable and the recoil is not tamed so much. I guess this experience takes the magnums out of the equation.

That limits my options to a 7X65R (few ammo available), 30-06 (not a "romantic" round, but 6.5CM isn't either) and .30R Blaser (few and expensive ammo)....

Anyone has experience on how is the recoil of a 30-06?

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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by SPEEDY »

I find my 30/06 quite pleasant to shoot recoil size and would be just about perfect for what you want. I can shoot mine all day no problem and I've got a pretty dodgy shoulder too, that's not to say there is no recoil, it's just very manageable.
Out to 350m it will kill that size game just as good as anything else will, so unless your really set on 500m shots then it's hard to go past it.
I do prefer rimmed rounds in the break actions, just because I find them a little smoother and easier to reload.
If I was to do it over then I'd probably go a 7x65R instead of the 30/06, but there's really bugger all differences between them.
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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by John0313 »

I agree with Speedy; my K95 Stutzen in 30-06 is not the cruel punisher that some have intimidated. I’ve shot bullet weights from 150 grains to 220 without issue. That would be my recommendation.

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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by SPEEDY »

I bought a Ruger American as a loaner gun for visiting mates and for chasing mobs of pigs in the swampy country also in 30/06, and it kicks noticeably more then my K95.

The K95 seems to direct and absorb the recoil much better despite being a slightly lighter gun.
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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by buddygun »

As mentioned above, your 6.5 will do about anything you want. However, after spending many years in africa before I retired, I would go for nothing smaller then one of the 30 caliber mags. for a second barrel for africa. African game have very thick hides and bones that cover their vitals. A 300 win mag will and have a proven track record for the game in africa that you mentioned. I have a k-95 in 270 wby that I used a little bit with premium bullets and it did fine. But bigger is better.

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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by lovelight »

If you can shoot a 300 win mag in a light-ish weight mountain rifle, you can probably learn how to shoot it in the K95 in that chambering. Shoot no more than 20-25 rounds in a trip to the range. Put in the recoil reducer if it bothers you that much. 7mm mag can help a bit but then you are giving up bullet weight in like for like bullets.

Some folks are sensitive to recoil and others can learn to adapt. Your prior experience with these larger calibers will give you a good idea of what is a good fit for you.

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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by PerfectShot »

Pepepotamo wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 9:59 am Got a K95 with a 6.5CM barrel to use on roe deer, chamois and foxes.

Would like another barrel for big red deer and hogs, and maybe an african safari up to kudu and orix.

Any recommendation?
I also own the Blaser K95 an love this Gun. To your question: If recoil is a question: My recommendation is 8x7IRS. THis cartridge ist good enough for Kudu, Oryx, Wild Hartebeest, Blue Hartebeest. The quality and weight of the bullet are crucial. I use the Woodleigh PP 200 grain. This cartridge is for short distance, up to 175 meters.
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Re: K95 second barrel advice

Post by Ringo »

My 300 Weatherby on the K95 recoils, I think. I've never noticed when using it on game!

I actually found I shoot it pretty well because I HAVE to hold on to it. Firmly.
Ringo, formerly rodell
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