D99 Duo after a lot of shooting

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D99 Duo after a lot of shooting

Post by Rimshot »

Easily my favorite gun. 6.5x55, 22 Hornet, and of course 20ga.

The accuracy probably wouldn't be believed by many outside this forum. As a reloader, I've experimented with scores of different bullets and powders in both rifles. Early on I naively developed a load for the 6.5 with a Hornady 143 ELD-X. It was extremely accurate at warmer temps in thinner air, but in winter spread all over the target. Once I found the twist rate chart posted on here I figured out why. Now I've settled on a 140 gr Nosler Partition pushed with H1000, which makes small groups in all conditions. For fun and practice, consistently hitting a 10" gong at 600 yards is routine.

For the Hornet barrel I've also experimented with many different bullets. The best of the bunch has been the Hornady 50gr SX and Hodgdon Lil'Gun. A cheap, lead nose spire point but it shoots so well. I've already shot about 2500 rounds thru the hornet barrel, as I'm less worried about burning it out than the 6.5. It will often print 5 shot groups around 1" at 200 yards.

The most accurate slugs I have tried are the Brenneke, but they shoot about 10 MOA high. My scope reticle has MOA marks on all sides of the crosshairs so compensating for this is fairly easy, and I've successfully taken both deer and hogs with slugs.

I use a Leupold VX6 2-12x scope with the dial-up turret on this combo and it is a great match. If you know the range and the wind, 300 yard hits on small targets with the 22 Hornet is realistic. I've marked the top of the turret with silver sharpie marker for Hornet data, while the main turret markings are used for the 6.5x55.

I've taken the gun on many hunts and killed deer, hogs, turkeys, doves, small game, varmints. Have yet to shoot any waterfowl. I'm taking it to RSA soon to use on smaller antelopes.

I ordered a 9.3x74r barrel for it 27 months ago, but still waiting on that. Hope it gets made eventually!

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Re: D99 Duo after a lot of shooting

Post by mchughcb »

Good to hear.

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Re: D99 Duo after a lot of shooting

Post by 9.3x64 »

That’s great shooting. I think a lot of people assume a drilling is not going to be an accurate gun. I guess this is because they are break action guns. I have always found the opposite with all my drilling (I currently have two, but have owned four in total). I think the barrel sets are quite stiff and this may contribute to good groups. I had a 35 year old Merkel Drilling in .222 Remington that was an absolute tack driver.
However the D99 I assume, has the added advantage of a stronger more modern lockup.
Well done, drillings are fascinating firearms. :dance:
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Re: D99 Duo after a lot of shooting

Post by Gamsjagd »

They cancelled the D99 a few years ago. You would have better luck finding a d99 kugeldrilling or doppenbuchsdrilling barrel set on e-gun and finding someone who would export it from here and import it from Germany.

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Re: D99 Duo after a lot of shooting

Post by Rimshot »

Gamsjagd wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 12:54 pm They cancelled the D99 a few years ago. You would have better luck finding a d99 kugeldrilling or doppenbuchsdrilling barrel set on e-gun and finding someone who would export it from here and import it from Germany.
I knew they cancelled the "trio" and "duo" (kugeldrilling and doppenbuchsdrilling if my translation is correct), however the single rifle barrel drilling I thought was still available?

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Re: D99 Duo after a lot of shooting

Post by mchughcb »

Well my local store has a D99 and that's brand new.
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Re: D99 Duo after a lot of shooting

Post by Rimshot »

I emailed Blaser.de, and I've found they reply quickly.
Dorothee responded:
"thank you for your email, we are glad to meet you as owner of D99.
This model is still in production."

I also asked about the 222 twist rate in the BD14, and she confirmed all 222 barrels get the 1:12"
Before now if I were to order a BD14 I would have preferred 22 hornet, but now I'd rather the 222 for the bullet flexibility.

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Re: D99 Duo after a lot of shooting

Post by Gamsjagd »

https://www.blaser.de/produkte/waffen/k ... rte-waffen

I'll be damned you are right. I have not seen a new one in a gun shop here at all.

Maybe they closed the faucet to a drip, and then opened it up when the new BD14 had some early pains.

Did not know they were "back" in production.

They are super crazy uncommon here in Germany. I know the exist, like supermodels, but I have never seen one.

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Re: D99 Duo after a lot of shooting

Post by Gamsjagd »

There are 5 used ones on Egun. So they for sure exist.

I don't know that I have ever handled one. If anyone has one it is JAKELE or Frankonia Wurzburg. Maybe the gunshop in Ansbach.

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