K95 Cartridge Choice

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K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by turner.jc1 »

I’ve developed the urge for a K95, and have a big birthday coming up in a couple of years, so I have a good excuse to place an order in a year or two, depending on how long the lead time is. Anyway, Ive never fired one, and am contemplating which cartridge would suit.

Currently I have an R93 in 8x57, and 2 x R8’s with .308 tracker semi weight, 6.5 PRC, and 7mm Practical barrels. I’ll likely P/X the 308 barrel as I just don’t use it much, it’s very heavy and just not necessary for woodland stalking, so the k95 will replace that I think. Its primary use would be for small/medium deer, and it would be nice to be able to take smaller mountain game also should I want. Cartridges I’m considering are 6MM XC, .257 Wby, 6.5x65r, 6.5x55, .270 Win, 7x57r, and 7x65r.

I think the .270 is the front runner for me at the moment. What would you guys go for given the criteria, the cartridges Ive anlready got and wanting to keep recoil down etc?

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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by Kflattmann »

Of all you have listed, I would highly consider the 7x57R. Rimmed cartridges are nostalgic and the 7X57 has history. Plus, it’s fun when someone asks you what caliber you’re shooting, you just get a slight head lean and a confused look.
Plus, it’s deadly. I killed several whitetail with it as well as some long distance coyotes.
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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by 9.3x64 »

If it were me I would favour the 7x65R and the 6.5x65R.
The 6.5x65R or even the 6.5x57R , might be ideal in a light K95.
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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by jamesc »

I've got a k95 in 7x65r and 30-06 and 22hornet, I feel the 7x57r or 7x65 is one of the best options to choose as it gives you a good range of ammo and projectiles that will cover most game.

7x65r is pleasant to shoot even in the lightweight k95.

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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by mchughcb »

Way things are with ammo I'd go 308.

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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by SPEEDY »

I love my 30/06, but if someone wanted to trade barrels for a rimmed round I'd do it I reckon. (Especially if it was a 9.3x74R)
I definitely like my 22 hornet barrel more then the 06, it's just that little bit smoother and faster to reload.

So I would go one of the rimmed 7mm rounds, probably the 7x57R for what your looking at using it for.
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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by dchamp »

I have become entranced with the K95. I have one chamberd in 6.5x55 and am delighted with the way it shoots. Being a ardent fan of the 8x57, I recently ordered a 8x57IRS barrel for the K95. I also have a 6mm XC in the R8. It too would be a very good contender in the K95. It would give you excellent accuracy and range with very little recoil. Mine seems to like 105gr bullets. But if you want the K95 as a hard core mountain rifle, I would choose the .257Wby.

mchughcb makes a real good point about ammunition availability. Something to think about. Maybe add a barrel that is in common use like the .308.

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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by Gamsjagd »

The Swede is always the right answer.

Wasn't it the most popular cartridge in Britain until the Creedmoor came a long?

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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by MM »

I have the following: 22 Hornet, 222 Rem, 25-06, 257 Weatherby, 30-06, 300 Weatherby, 9.3x74R and I like them all for their intended uses. For mountain hunting I have used my 300 Weatherby the most 180 grain Nosler Partition or a 130 grain barnes TTSX have never disappointed me. I have shot deer with everything 25-06 and larger and they all work well. Big stuff moose, brown bear with the 9.3x74R and the 286 Partition did the job. A 308 would be really nice in the K95 platform but i doubt I will buy one since I have the 30-06 and I really like that cartridge with a 165 grain partition or the 130 TTSX. The barrels I use the least are the 25-06 and 257 because I can just drop down in bullet weight to the 130 TTSX in the 30-06 and 300 Weatherby. 22 hornet and 222 I have killed a ton of small game and they are just too much fun. Just get a bunch of barrels is my advice.

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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by SPEEDY »

I definitely think the hornet is the perfect barrel for the K95, not much good for big game but it's a perfect nuances animal and small game round.
I find mine a head shooting machine, strangely I've shot more goats and deer with it then varmints, but it is outstanding on the foxes.
Loaded down with trail boss it's super quiet too, great for shots around camp the won't spook the big game too much.
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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by MC2 »

I've had a lot of k95 barrels, but the one I'll keep is 257wby. The best mpbr at 337yds from Chuck Hawks reference table which is bested by 300wby and 30-378wby by only a few yds without devastating recoil.

I agree with MM get a bunch and try them all.

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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by Ringo »

I have the 257 and 300 Weatherby. The 257 is absolutely awesome, the 300 lets you go a little bigger with the associated recoil penalty (if it bothers you).

I think I could use the 257 anywhere and everywhere and may as I "age out".
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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by Vol423 »

I like rimmed cartridges for the K95 because I can handle the cases easier. A 7X65R or 30R Blaser is a nice medium bore selection. A Hornet would be nice, but I like my 222 a lot.

I have never considered the K95 for larger game. I'll take a bolt action repeater or double rifle for that.

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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by Griffbl »

Ok, well I think your original thought is the best one: the .270 Winchester! Jack O' Conner would agree! :) I have an '06, .270 , .308 and Win K95's. But I don't really see any need for the .300 WM. I killed a very large Colorado Elk 7x7 with it this year. .270 plenty good for Elk also, and great loaded ammunition is common and easy to find.

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Re: K95 Cartridge Choice

Post by Southernman »

I’ve got a couple K95 and a few barrels, 22 hornet, 5.6x50R, .243,6.5 creed and 7x65R,
Love the Hornet and 5.6x50R, not so enthusiastic about the .243 or 6.5, the rimmed case just work better, Easier to extract, especially in very cold conditions.
Very happy with the 7x65R, recoil is starting to get up there, with heavy bullets weights and stiff loads.
Currently debating about a 9.3x74 barrel as I know on one cheap, would love an Octagonal barrel.

You are in the right range 6.5 to 7mm. My pick would be the 7x57R or 7x65R.

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