Is a Blaser r8 a good platform for Long Range?

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Is a Blaser r8 a good platform for Long Range?

Post by UrsuAke »

I have a Blaser ultimate (adjustable comb, adjustable stock) in 30.06 I use for hunting and I'm currently researching platforms for Long Range. I want to enter some competitions for Standard calibers. My choice is either 6.5 creedmoor or 6.5x55 (most commonly used locally). Distances: 100 to 1200 meters.

What's your experience with the Blaser R8 as a LR platform for PRS? Is the match barrel they provide any good? For standard calibers, more exact 6.5 calibers, I've seen that the match barrel is 60mm (23 5/8 inch) vs most PRS rigs that have a 61mm (24'') barrel. Is that an issue? Will it affect long range shots? I have no clue what the twist is (1/10'' maybe?). I can't get custom barrels for it, I can only rely on factory barrels.

So, is the R8 a good platform to continue with given all the requirements or should I look for something else? I want to use the R8, I know the platform, I'm used to it, proficient with it, muscle memory yada yada yada but I don't want to invest ~$2k (cost of an OEM match barrel) and find out later it's not a good choice.

For 3.8k I can get a CADEX rig which I know works a treat because it's one of the most popular choice for the local PRS shooters I'll be competing against. Not planning to win but not planning to be last either.

Also, important note, I'll be running with factory ammo (Norma, RWS, Hornady), handloading is illegal in Romania where I come from, don't ask...

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Re: Is a Blaser r8 a good platform for Long Range?

Post by pagosawingnut »

If you find a factory loaded weight, brand that your Blaser R8 shoots well, I wouldn't hesitate to use it as your long range platform.
Mine shoot very well but, I handload for all of my calibers,
It doesn't matter what you shoot as long as you shoot
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Re: Is a Blaser r8 a good platform for Long Range?

Post by longrider »

I have taken my R8 300N match bbl with factory norma 230 berger out to 2100 yds with great success.
I shoot my 300 win LW setup to 1100 sub moa with factory 190 LRX. Limited to 1100 only because of my mil Z8i on that setup

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Re: Is a Blaser r8 a good platform for Long Range?

Post by Rifletuner »

UrsuAke wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:03 am I have a Blaser ultimate (adjustable comb, adjustable stock) in 30.06 I use for hunting and I'm currently researching platforms for Long Range. I want to enter some competitions for Standard calibers. My choice is either 6.5 creedmoor or 6.5x55 (most commonly used locally). Distances: 100 to 1200 meters.

What's your experience with the Blaser R8 as a LR platform for PRS? Is the match barrel they provide any good? For standard calibers, more exact 6.5 calibers, I've seen that the match barrel is 60mm (23 5/8 inch) vs most PRS rigs that have a 61mm (24'') barrel. Is that an issue? Will it affect long range shots? I have no clue what the twist is (1/10'' maybe?). I can't get custom barrels for it, I can only rely on factory barrels.

So, is the R8 a good platform to continue with given all the requirements or should I look for something else? I want to use the R8, I know the platform, I'm used to it, proficient with it, muscle memory yada yada yada but I don't want to invest ~$2k (cost of an OEM match barrel) and find out later it's not a good choice.

For 3.8k I can get a CADEX rig which I know works a treat because it's one of the most popular choice for the local PRS shooters I'll be competing against. Not planning to win but not planning to be last either.

Also, important note, I'll be running with factory ammo (Norma, RWS, Hornady), handloading is illegal in Romania where I come from, don't ask...
1mm of barrel is going to have zero difference on performance. I would be thinking about the match format, the average number of shots you will fire in a stage, and whether you have a suitable magazine to handle the required number of shots you are likely to have to deal with.

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Re: Is a Blaser r8 a good platform for Long Range?

Post by Blaserlrh »

First check the cartridge and the barrel twist that you need , most blaser barrels dont come with fast twist...
Is the blaser a good LR Plataform? not really, it is not designed for long range shooting, however you still can get to 1,000 mts without too much trouble

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Re: Is a Blaser r8 a good platform for Long Range?

Post by Blueranger »

If you are using a Blaser R8, you are going to be at a disadvantage at the stations when you have shoot 10 rounds with a time limit.

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Re: Is a Blaser r8 a good platform for Long Range?

Post by Blaserlrh »

It's a pitty they don't update their barrel twists

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Re: Is a Blaser r8 a good platform for Long Range?

Post by Chase723 »

The OP has probably found his answer by now, but I have a decent amount of experience shooting long range. Setup correctly, the R8 is completely adequate. The triggers in the ones we get in America are a little heavy for dedicated long range rifles, but otherwise they are fine. Like pretty much any rifle, good glass goes a long way.

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