Cartridge 7x65 R
Brand of bullet North Fork
Weight of bullet 160 gn
Brand of brass RWS
Type of powder AR 2231sc/H4831sc
Grains of powder 59
Brand, and type of primer Federal; 210GM
COL 3.436"
FPS/MPS 2730
Rifle K95
Barrel Length 60cm
Scope 2,5/10/50 Zeiss Victory HT
Weather conditions & temp Calm. Temp around 15/20 C
Accuracy @ 100 yards/meters .97 for 3
Increasing the charge to 60g closes the group up but gives .0002" head expansion.
Substituting a 160 Partition at 3.47OAL and using the same powder charge gives close enough to the same accuracy and the same MPI, although velocity is not known (probably a bit more than the NF)
BlaserBuds 7x65 R Load Database
Moderator: deerhunter338mag
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