Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

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Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by Mike2000r »


i am on the search for a new rifle for long Range shooting and hunting. I have two in the closer selection.

1. Blaser R8 Professional + Atzl Trigger + Semi-Weight in 58 cm 6,5 Creedmoor or

2. Tikka T3X CTR 60 cm 6,5 Creedmoor + PSE Composite Stock

Can I expect the same precision from both?
Which gun is more suitable regardless of the price?

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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by deerhunter338mag »

Both would be fine. The Tikka would be easy to set up with a custom barrel and jewell trigger. But the R8 would be fine with the atzl trigger. Just comes down to good load development and the person drive the gun.
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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by SPEEDY »

I'm using an R93 for the job now with a Bix & Andy trigger in it.
But I also hate Tikka's so that's not going to help, but their are plenty of other good factory ready to rock LR rifles.
But an R8 isn't just an LR rifle, it can be a hunting rifle as well so it's more versatile.
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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by dieselten »

Have you ever looked at the recoil lug setup on a Tikka T3? I would choose the Blaser

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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by stokesrj »

I would also go with the Blaser, but I would just go with the standard 17mm barrel. I have a couple in 6.5 Creemoor barrels for my R8 and the one I've shot, shoots lights out. I know Tikka rifles can also shoot very well, but I've seen some that did not. The only reason I would, and have gone with semi-weight barrels is for the additional front weight. The standard contour barrel will shoot five shots without moving point of impact as evidenced in a five shot group I shot today with the 123 grain A-Max shot as fast as I could reload and acquire a proper sight picture again.
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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by sav338 »

As Dh said it's all about the shooter and speedy is correct the R8 can then also be changed out to be a stalking rifle.
I have a R8 pro with a March scope on the 6.5 a zeiss 2.8- 20 on the 300wthy and a Nightforce 5-25 on the 338 lap.
If the weather doesn't allow or a long shot doesn't present I can still stalk into it. Only the Nightforce can't be used as a stalking scope, but I have a spare Swarovski scope I'm thinking to put on top as a back up scope.
Another reason to go Blaser . Easy to change out optics
Ps the ATZL is a great help.

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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by 7x57 »

Agree with DH338 that either would be fine. Plenty of aftermarket accessories for the Tikka as well. Have a look at UKVarminting for commentary on the Tikka- you will find I think very favourable. I have both R8 and Tikka. For out of the box build quality and accuracy the Tikka is hard to beat.

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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by 7x57 »

There is also a significant difference in price and would depend on your budget and how many rifles you want or are allowed. The beauty of the Blaser is the ability to switch out barrels and where I am barrels are not registered so that is a factor. The downside is that a semi weight means I need to sell a kidney to fund it :( :lol:

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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by Corjack »

I think you would be happy with both, but I lean Blaser R8. No need for semiweight barrel unless you are wanting to shoot a bit of rapid fire.
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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by SPEEDY »

Actually, I'd probably sell both my heavy barrels and my off-road stock and buy a standard R93 rig again.
I just don't have the muscle control for LR work these days.
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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by trazman »

Here is why I choose Blaser over any other rifle...

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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by Pbr56 »

Tikkas are incredible. I was at the range last week shooting 300 yds with a friend who has a T3. It outshout my R8 hands down.

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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by Joe338ST »

Tikka would be good but for good LR work you'll need a lighter trigger.


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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by deerhunter338mag »

Joe338ST wrote:Tikka would be good but for good LR work you'll need a lighter trigger.

Set triggers the go. But I think you can play with them a touch as well.
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Re: Blaser R8 vs Tikka for Long Range Shooting an Hunting

Post by Blasernovice »

Tikka T3 triggers are very easy to lighten. Just undo the main screw until it just touches the housing/screw in front of it.

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