Docter Optic Scopes

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Docter Optic Scopes

Post by sakohunter264 »

Does anybody have experience wit the Dr Optic scopes. Recently picked up a 3x9x42. Look forward to trying it out. Thx.

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Re: Docter Optic Scopes

Post by SPEEDY »

I had one years ago, other then the weight it was a brilliant scope.
Not exactly an in depth write up, but it was like most euro scopes, bright, clear and held zero.
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Re: Docter Optic Scopes

Post by 9.3x64 »

I have had three 1.5-6x42, 6x42, and a 1-4x24, all were extremely clear. I never had any issues with mine.
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Re: Docter Optic Scopes

Post by Gamsjagd »

I have not owned one in 20 years, but the last one I owned was on a 30-06 Steyr Professional. Great scope!

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Re: Docter Optic Scopes

Post by Dom »

I have several Docter Optic Scopes and Red Dots, love them. Great quality and do a great job. I toured the Docter factory in Eisfeld a few years ago. They originated from Zeiss Jena (DDR) and after the wall fell in 1989 moved to Eisfeld. They recently got bought out by Noblex, and have some nice scopes on their website. Good quality scopes at about 1/2 to 2/3 the cost of Swaro or Zeiss, I'd rate them very similar to Meopta, another quality scope at about 2/3 the cost of the big boys.

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Re: Docter Optic Scope

Post by Illaheman »

I have a Docter 1-6x42. It is a very useful size. It’s bright and very well made.
I am considering another. It is a 2.5-10x48 with an LM rail. Both at 30MM.
I’m just trying to decide if I really need that big of a scope.
Overall, used, I think they are a value.

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